First phase of The Secret War live - what’s coming next?


The first phase of The Secret War experience is now live. This first phase allows you to access a brand-new personality test that will let you find out what secret society you are most 

suited to join, or you can simply choose one of the secret societies as you see fit. Check out the top graphic on the front page for directions on where to go.


After making your choice you get to register as a member of that secret society. This also functions as the official beta registration for The Secret World.

If you are an existing member of the community (e.g. you took the original initiation test or even left your e-mail in the newsletter sign-up) you have been automatically registered as 
a beta candidate. As such it is not necessary for you to re-register through the first phase of The Secret War experience if you only want to be considered for beta.

However, even if you are already signed up, we still strongly encourage you to re-register through the first phase of The Secret War experience. Doing so will allow you to participate 
in phase two, where you will get to expand the influence of your secret society through a web-based community game where you can unlock achievements, in-game rewards usable at launch, 
and even guaranteed beta access. Re-registration for this is required due to the many social networking features included in phase two. We suggest registering with the same e-mail you 
registered with earlier.

You will be contacted via e-mail when the upcoming phase two of the experience starts.


To learn more about The Secret War experience and beta registration, check out the official FAQ.


So what's phase two all about?

One of our overall goals with The Secret War experience is to engage the community in the conflict between the three secret societies even before the launch of the actual game. We want 
them to forge a relationship with their secret society of choice, not to mention other members of the community. We feel that having that level of involvement makes waiting for the 
game all the more exciting for everyone in the community -- including us!

The second phase will introduce players to a web-based community game where they can perform various actions on a global map in order to expand the influence of their secret society 
and climb within their ranks.

One of the activities players get to do is recruit friends directly from Facebook. Friends who join the same secret society as you can become your agents, which in turn can be deployed 
in countries on the global map. This will expand your secret society's influence in that country, and it will help you climb through the ranks of your society!

Players will also access unique content every week -- such as screenshots, artworks and articles containing information about the game -- that can be shared as 'propaganda' with your 
friends, further expanding your secret society's influence and allowing you to climb through their ranks.

By progressing through the ranks of your secret society, you unlock exclusive in-game items such as weapons and clothing, unique achievements and -- if you reach the highest rank -- 
guaranteed beta access! There are also other exciting rewards and prizes available such as the chance to visit the Funcom studio and even get your name featured in the game world!


There are several other activites -- such as a community unloackable for each secret society -- but we've already said way too much.  


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